Friday, October 20, 2006

Washington Post, Following Rumsfeld Lead, Moves Pentagon Bureau to Mars

More from the Post

Given the news over the last several days, Rumsfeld denies reality in a way that is stunning even for him.

"Rumsfeld rejected the suggestion that this means the U.S. strategy of "clear, hold and build" is failing."

Is he aware that the Mahdi army took over a town today? And that only Maqtada al Sadar -- the head of the militia that had just taken over the town -- could call it off? I'm missing the "A" volume of my OED, and so can't find the authoritative definition of "anarchy", but surely someone at the Pentagon has one.

And get this:

"The biggest mistake would be not to pass things over to the Iraqis," Rumsfeld said. "It's their country. They're going to have to govern it. They're going to have to provide security for it. And they're going to have to do it sooner rather than later."

What Iraqis is he talking about!?! The Maliki "government"? Al-Sistani? The army? Sadr?


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