Friday, October 20, 2006

Dobson to "The Base": Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are

Will conservative voters really stay home this election day? The Republicans are worrying about it, the Democrats appear to be counting on it, and the media is making it the big question.

I'm not so sure. Here's James Dobson doing his best to rally the troops; he's playing up the gay marriage amendments on the ballot in several key stay to get value voters out.

While there is clearly considerable discontent among Christian Conservative leaders, the big guns like Dobson will push hard to keep Republicans in. No matter how disgusted or angry they may be, they need the Republicans as much as the Republicans need them, since Republican power is (at least in their perception if not in total fact) their power.

So, maybe conservative intellectuals, limited government conservatives, libertarians and fiscal conservative will stay home; does it matter? They lost control of the conservative movement years ago.

But the Christian zealots will do what zealots do...they'll turn out. They have to, and they love power too much to be swayed by principal. If they ever have been.


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