Friday, October 20, 2006

Here's The REAL Republican Scare the Children Ad

You'll find it here, but for heavens sake, don't donate!

While this is appalling, its terribly clever.

This ad is so strongly over the top that its already a dominant story on CNN, and it hasn't aired yet. They will turn some people off, probably not turn anybody on...but will capture a lot of media coverage to accomplish just what Karl Rove wants:

Terrorism and the discussion of who will be better protect American's is right back on top of cable news, anyhow, and probably will be everywhere. Result...Howard Dean saying don't be afraid, Republicans calling Howard and Dems weak, and the conversation skillfully directed to the GOP's presumed advantage.

Remember, the ad itself isn't what is important here, its the discussion of the ad that the RNC is expecting to work to their advatange.


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