Republicans: The Tide is Turning for Republicans
Here it comes. Two weeks to go, and like clockwork, the Republican media machine begins to churn out the narrative for the next two weeks: THE TIDE IS TURNING.
As always, Matt Drudge led the charge with breathless top of page headlines. Dick Morris carries water with positive spin on negative polls, while administration figures blitz talk radio. Harold Ford, fresh from the liberal media spotlight with his cover story, is the Playboy-loving perfidious soon-to-be-loser of the moment being mocked back on Drudge. The self-fulfilling prophecy engine is at full steam.
Here's how the narrative begins to play out to less partisan media, The Times, with the trusty "energized optimistic President" story line. Not a complete assault on the truth, but every little bit helps.
This is exactly what the Rove Republicans do all the time, whether its Iraq, the economy, tax cuts or election: the simply change the story and flow of narrative with overwhelming tactical deployment. Its a classic public relations ploy.
And mainstream media, failing to recognize (or not willing to admit to itself) that it can be so easily manipulated, will pick up the story. First they'll see shades of gray in the polls. Then, if nothing distracts their attention from the Republican artificial narrative by Friday they'll say "its been a good week for the Republicans." And finally, during the race to the tape, they'll say "Nobody thought the Republicans could change their fortunes this fast, but they just may have..."
All of this brings momentum to the candidates in the field, drives turn out and demoralizes/frightens Democrats who -- you can feel it -- just don't believe that they can actually win.
And if the Republicans do maintain will be because they've never lost control of the dominant media political narative. Depressing, but simple, obvious and so true.
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