Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Getting to Know Mr. Brennan

Glenn Greenwald has a good introductory overview to a very important person: John Brennan.
Who he? He is Barack Obama's transition chief for inteligence policy. His wiki bio is here. He's also widely rumored to be at or near the top of the list for CIA director (I don't quite buy that -- Jane Harman call your office.)

He's also something of an appologist for the "enhanced interogations techniques" used by the bush CIA to torture detainees in the war on terror. In Jane Myer's must read book, The Darkside, he's identified as a "suppoter" of those techniques.

Where will Barack go on the torture question? Too soon to say, but accumulating buzz is that he is less likely to take a hard line against Bush policies than many supporters might have hoped.


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