Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Clinton to Superdelegates...FREEZE!

So, Politico says the Clinton camp is trying to put wavering superdelagates (one word?) on ice. How, exactly? A sinister ray gun...or threats of a very very cold shoulder once Clinton II is duely installed?

More interesting, however, is whether Barack's plan for a day-after announcement have put away in the fridge. He really needs to do something Announcing 50 super-delegates (hyphenated?) would be delicious, but they are politicians, and after Hilary's big win, it seems very unlikely. If he doesn't dosomething to turn or adjust the story today, however, he will seem off his beam and the narative will steam roll ahead.

He must show fight and a viable plan to staynot just in, but on top...and show it fast and strong. Delgate math alone won't do the trick. A big symbol is required.


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