Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Winner: The Kitchen Sink

It certainly feels and even looks like the Clinton "kitchen sink" strategy of throwing everything negative into the feild over the last week has had an effect.

The campaigns are, of course, looking at early exit polls and adjusting their messages accordingly. It must look pretty good for Clinton so far. Read-on in that story, however, and you'll notice that turnout numbers are amazing:

"A record 180,000 voters cast Democratic ballots in early voting in Harris County and some 300,000 more were expected today, far surpassing the 75,000 in the 2004 presidential election."

Say that again, please: 480,000 votes cast in today's primary, vs. 75,000 in the last presidential election. That's not a trend up...its a social phenomenon. And that level of turn out would -- you'd think -- help Obama.


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