Friday, October 20, 2006

Republican "Pre-Mortems" Order of the Day

Yesterday, we predicted a House loss would prompt momentary Republican sanity and a short-lived intra-party surge against the hard Christian right.

Some "prediction" since it happening right now. Well, we're new at this. (By the way, Dick Armey vs. James Dobson is the right wing celebrity death match to is getting more fun by the minute)

The word "Pre-Mortem" has been popping up, with a fun variation at the National Review: "Pre-criminations." It's all arising from Republican self-schadenfrude as they glumly look ahead to what increasingly looks like a significant loss on November 7th.

This word has been around for quite awhile, and has been being used in regard to this race in the blogosphere for a couple of weeks. Prominent example from Instapundit here.

Strange that this is happening so prominently so early; but we're not sure that Democrats should take much succor. The more sure a loss looks, the more party disarray reported in the "liberal" media, the more fuel the Republican machine and talk radio can throw on the base to get out there and save the day.

I'd rather see post-mortems than pre-mortems, lest they prompt extraordinary efforts to revive the corpse.


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