Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It Only Seems Complex.

The President says:

Over the past few months the debate over this bill has been heated, and the questions raised can seem complex.

Meaning, of course, that they are not really complex at all, and implying that the "complexifiers" (unlike self-proclaimed "deciders") are those who debated the provision of a bill likely to become the Alien Sedition Act of our day.

Here's just one very simple and transparent example of Bush using langauge that erodes the validity of debate. The fact is the debate around this bill is complex (or rather was, for a minute, before the gang of four figured they'd gotten enough air-time and backed off), but how fast we can reasuringly reduce it to something that only seems that way.

Speech after speech, sentence after sentence, how beautifully the sound bites get rid of pesky gray areas, and define domination down.


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